Research & Development

Constantly updated, for ever better results.

Our growth is evidenced by the numerous research and development projects that we constantly carry out. Our analytical services are in fact in continuous development and expansion, in order to further increase the value of the offer.

The timeliness that distinguishes us means offering a service in real time to be in a privileged position on the market and compete in a fair and ethical manner; it also means excelling in the quality of the service offered, perceiving and anticipating market evolutions to concretely respond to emerging needs with innovative solutions.

Vassanelli Laboratory:
a constant presence on the territory from the Aosta Valley to the Islands!

Research & Development

Diversification, strong innovative spirit, flexibility.

Diversification and strong innovative spirit: always in quick time frames, seeking the most useful and tailor-made solution for the client, exploring new areas with professionalism, respecting a high standard of service and the quality / price ratio.

Abilities that find fertile soil thanks to the technology used, constantly up-to-date and at the cutting edge, to be able to guarantee the best possible service. All this, in a few words, is Research & Development.


Roberto Vassanelli
Sales Manager

Who we are and what we do every day for your creations in just two and a half minutes.
A certified laboratory

Vassanelli Lab operates to maximum safety and quality standards, confirmed by the major italian and european certification bodies. READ HERE

Qualified experience

For more than 50 years Vassanelli Lab has been giving great importance to your work, enhancing your products with qualitative analyses that represent the fruit of much experience accumulated in the sector. READ HERE